Collegno (TO), Italy - Prima Industrie has been awarded the Italian Prize in Mechatronics, organized and promoted by the Employers' Association of Reggio Emilia, Italy. The aim of the Award, now in its fourth edition, is to promote the national companies able to develop innovative products that contribute to the technological evolution in their field due to mechatronic solutions.
Quoting the official reason for the prize, Prima Industrie has been awarded "for the development of innovative technical solutions, which allowed Prima Industrie to become a world leader in the field of high performances laser systems; and particularly for having designed some of the fastest and most innovative laser machines in the world, giving an exceptional contribution to the technological evolution of laser cutting systems.”
The prize was awarded during the General Meeting of the Employers Association in Reggio Emilia, in the suggestive scenery of the Municipal Theatre “R. Valli,” in the presence of Emma Marcegaglia, the President of Confindustria (Italian Employers' Federation). Gianfranco Carbonato, president and CEO of the Group, and Domenico Appendino, business development manager, received the Prize.
“We are particularly proud of receiving this award because it is based on values such as innovation, research, and technological evolution that have always guided our choices and actions and have allowed us to become a reference in the field," says Carbonato. "We are further honored to receive this acknowledgement from an Italian region shared with Turin, the city where we are based, the leadership in the field of mechatronics.”
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