East Hartford, CT--CCAT’s upcoming SALA 2010 (April 14-15) will feature invited luncheon speaker Dr. Ronald Schaeffer, CEO of PhotoMachining Inc., a laser job shop and custom systems integrator in New Hampshire. Schaeffer has worked for and managed emerging high technology companies for more than 20 years and will share his sometimes humorous insights on starting and operating a small, high technology business.
Schaeffer teaches a full business short course at many different venues around the country. This luncheon talk will focus on Team Building and personnel issues. Many examples will be given and discussed as well as common pitfalls to be avoided.
In an earlier post, Industrial Laser Solutions incorrectly reported that this talk would focus on the advantages of an SBIR.
For more information on the SALA 2010 event, visit www.ccat.us/sala.