June 27--DataDot Motorsports (Charlotte, NC) has entered the racing industry with DataDot technology. The product will enable racers to deter theft by uniquely marking their entire racing team's assets with their own team ID number, which is registered on a worldwide crime prevention database. Additionally, the racer will have the option to receive a cash benefit in the event their trailer is stolen and not recovered.
DataDots are microdots the size of a grain of sand each laser-etched with a race team's own unique traceable ID number. Thousands of these dots are then suspended in a clear-drying, water-based adhesive, which becomes luminescent under black light. They are swabbed or sprayed onto inconspicuous, non-cosmetic, and non-moving surfaces of the object you are trying to protect.
Once applied, the numbers on the Dots are then registered with The Insurance Services Office Inc. as corresponding to the vehicle's VIN and to the current owner of the vehicle. They can be read with magnifying devices 3X or greater, or with a black light.
For more information, visit datadotmotorsports.com.