Aculight named one of 100 fastest-growing companies in Washington State
November 27--Aculight Corp., a developer of innovative laser technologies, has been named to the
Aculight's CEO Don Rich attributes the company's 78.3 percent revenue growth from 2003 to 2005 to setting and achieving aggressive goals. "Over the past several years Aculight has evolved from a research company into a product company," said Rich. "From the beginning of this transition we set clear, aggressive goals and communicated them to our customers. They know we'll apply that same determination to projects we're working on with them. This has, in turn, fueled our growth."
The company achieved an 81 ranking on the 2006 list, up from 86 on the list in 2005. It marks the sixth time Aculight has been named to the list. The award also follows two other wins this year--being named to the 2006 "50 fastest growing technology companies in Washington, Oregon and Idaho" by Deloitte & Touche USA LLP, and
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