SPI Lasers introduced a range of high-power OEM fiber lasers that can be used standalone or incorporated into high-power laser systems for cutting and welding applications in the industrial macro market. Integration and beam
combination of multiple units, typically in the range 300-500W offers a highly flexible power-scaleable product architecture enabling a wide range of applications such as for high-speed metal cutting, remote welding, and materials processing in the industrial and automotive
The OEM fiber lasers are available with 400W output using high reliability single emitter integrated pump diodes. They can be supplied with collimated output optics or bare fiber output for integration with either bulk optic or fiber based beam combining technologies.
Operational benefits of multi-kW fiber lasers over "incumbent" technologies include; high wall plug efficiency, outstanding performance with state of the art beam quality (fiber delivered), simple & rapid installation, and straightforward operation, with high reliability resulting in maintenance free operation.