Eolite (Pessac, France; www.eolite.com) presents the Octopus laser for thin-film scribing and the Boreas IR150 for high-powered cutting and drilling.
Octopus offers up to 16 fiber delivery channels. Each beam provides light at 515 nm or at 1030 nm with pulse duration as low as 10 ns, peak power up to 4kW and repetition rates up to 300 kHz. Each fiber channel (up to 5 m long) offers up to 4W at 515 nm with excellent beam quality or up to 30W in a uniform multimode output configuration.
Boreas IR150 offers over 150W at 1030 nm, pulses shorter than 20 ns, peak power over 200 kW, high repetition rates up to 500 kHz, together with an excellent beam quality with M2 of 1.3. These lasers are based on a new generation of rod-type fibers designed to provide high energy pulses together with a very good beam quality. The single mode propagation in the fiber insures a polarized diffraction limited beam. A patented resonator design produces sub-10 ns pulses at repetition rates up to 400 kHz. Applications include: deep engraving, material cutting, material texturing, micro-holes or via drilling.