AGS15000 series Cartesian gantries from Aerotech are designed for ultra-precision, high-dynamic contouring. The planar design minimizes dynamic pitch errors at the workpoint. According to the company, these gantry systems provide outstanding performance and versatility in a wide range of automation platforms including precision micromachining, stencil cutting, fuel cell manufacturing, printed electronics, flat sheet processing, high-speed pick-and-place, automated assembly, vision inspection, dispensing stations, and high-accuracy inspection.
The company's BLM and BLMH series brushless linear servomotors drive the AGS15000 to speeds of 3 m/s and accelerations of 5 g. Dual linear motors and encoders are included on the lower axis for performance and precision. The rugged noncontact optical linear encoders offer resolutions to one nanometer when coupled with Aerotech's encoder multiplier. Optimized to account for thermal expansion, this gantry design ensures high accuracy under varying operating conditions.
All elements of the AGS15000 were designed for precision as well as a long, trouble-free life. The linear motor is a noncontact device with no backlash, wear, or maintenance issues, such as those found in ball-screw-driven systems. The bearings are preloaded linear motion guides with wiper seals and grease fittings, and are mounted to provide optimized dynamic stiffness and load distribution. The AGS15000 design keeps the linear motors and linear encoders to the outside of the work area making the gantry less susceptible to debris-induced damage.