TRUMPF has introduced a 7kW laser, the most recent addition to the TruFlow series of laser resonators. Available on the high-speed
TruLaser 5030 NEW, the technology results in rapid cutting speeds that boost quality and efficiency.
Additionally, the 7000-kilowatt laser expands the range of sheet thicknesses that the machine can cut and optimizes the cut quality. The TruFlow 7000 cuts stainless steel up to 1.18-in thick, and aluminum up to 0.8 in. Cutting speed increases of up to 10 percent can be achieved in stainless steel from 0.312in to 0.625in thick, and up to 30 percent for 0.75in to 1in material. Increased cutting speeds of up to 10 percent may be realized in the processing of some aluminum applications.
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