LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH, Dortmund, Germany, presents a higher performance version of the 1.3 kw diode laser system successfully introduced in 2011 – the 2 kW version.
The energy efficient 2 kW diode laser system, an extremely compact and high-performance DIOCUT laser system that – in eight hour constant operation – consumes approx. 20% less energy than a comparable fiber laser. The higher level of effectiveness leads to a reduced energy consumption: approx. 30% socket efficiency including cooling. A high end beam shaping with the DIOCUT system also ensures efficient fiber coupling and, as a result, reduces energy consumption. Thanks to micro channel-free passive cooling, the user can operate the system maintenance-free.
The system is especially good for cutting construction steel and stainless steel, as well as aluminum and nonferrous heavy metal because it allows better cutting quality. The Rz roughness of the cut edge is consequently less than 30 µm with a 6 mm thick stainless steel piece.
However, Nd:YAG laser system standard process heads can still be used. On the whole, the 2 kW DIOCUT laser system from LIMO is a compact and flexible solution for cutting and even for welding, which is easily integrated and maintenance-free.