Selmsdorf, Germany/Boxborough – FOBA, a leading manufacturer of systems and integrated solutions for laser marking and engraving , is pleased to announce the appointment of John Derzy as Western Regional Sales Manager in North America.
Mr. Derzy has a wealth of industrial laser experience with particular emphasis in
the laser marking and engraving marketplace both domestically and internationally.
Over the course of his more than 25 year career with laser marking systems, Mr.
Derzy has compiled extensive knowledge of marking requirements and their
optimal solutions. He has been involved in variety of industries including
automotive, aerospace, electronics, semiconductor, medical technology, and
mold making as well as the various general metal and non-metal manufacturing
In his role as Western Regional Sales Manager, Mr. Derzy has responsibility for
managing the direct sales and distribution channels for FOBA products in the
Western United States. Contact: for more information.Selmsdorf, Germany/Boxborough, MA – FOBA, a leading manufacturer of
systems and integrated solutions for laser marking unce the appointment of John Derzy as Western Regional Sales Manager in North America. /content/ils/en/laser-marking-engraving.html and engraving /content/ils/en/articles/2011/04/foba-laser-marking.html, is pleased to anno
Mr. Derzy has a wealth of industrial laser experience with particular emphasis in
the laser marking /content/ils/en/articles/print/volume-27/issue-1/features/smart-additives-enhance-plastics-laser-marking.html and engraving marketplace both domestically and internationally.
Over the course of his more than 25 year career with laser marking systems, Mr.
Derzy has compiled extensive knowledge of marking requirements and their
optimal solutions. He has been involved in variety of industries including
automotive, aerospace, electronics, semiconductor, medical technology, and
mold making as well as the various general metal and non-metal manufacturing
In his role as Western Regional Sales Manager, Mr. Derzy has responsibility for
managing the direct sales and distribution channels for FOBA products in the
Western United States. Contact: for more information.