LVD Strippit, Akron, NY, has added a new fabrication shop management tool to its CADMAN suite of offline software products.
CADMAN-Job organizes and schedules the fabrication shop workload, classifying and grouping jobs to increase throughput, minimize set-up time, and streamline workflow. It manages the day-to-day relationship between a user's ERP system, CAM, and workshop to optimize machine production time and fabrication resources. The software creates or imports work orders from an ERP system, generates jobs for laser bending or laser cutting, minimizing tool setup and lens/nozzle changes. It also tracks the progress of each work order, provides estimated and real production time information, and generates lists to launch any re-work necessary.
The software is an extension of LVD Strippit's CADMAN PC/Windows-based CAD/CAM system, which streamlines the fabricating process through a single, complete offline system for the design, unfolding, punching, laser cutting, and bending of sheet metal parts.