Milpitas, Calif. – Lenthor Engineering, a designer, manufacturer, and assembler of rigid-flex and flexible PCBs and electronic manufacturing services (EMS), has installed an Electro Scientific Industries Inc. (ESI) FLEX5530 UV laser drilling system with a shaped beam.
Lenthor previously purchased an ESI5530 less than a year ago. This newest machine with a shaped laser has tripled the company’s laser drill capacity, resulting in a significant increase in overall productivity. The shaped laser feature further allows the company a greater flexibility in the applications where laser technology can and will be used in their manufacturing operation.
Mark Lencioni, Lenthor president, said, "We continue to drive our commitment to technology and our customers through purchases such as this ESI5530 laser drill with shaped beam. The level of excellence that this machine provides in the area of laser manufacturing is truly amazing. We are happy to add this to our manufacturing repertoire, and pleased to offer our customers the benefit of our ever increasing technical prowess in the manufacture of high density and miniature flex and rigid flex printed circuit boards."
The ESI system beam can create high quality vias up to 25 microns through its high tech fourth generation beam positioning technology. This innovation provides a 2000 point hits per second capability, making the ESI Flex5530 accurate and fast.
For 25 years, Lenthor Engineering has prospered as a manufacturer of flexible PCBs and has become one of the premier flex circuit manufacturers in the US. In 2007, the company made a significant business decision to grow the company through the offering of EMS, a move that was customer driven. Lenthor is a leading supplier in both the military and medical markets.