Stuttgart, Germany - Dausinger+Giesen GmbH, a technology leader in the field of thin disk lasers, has received, under the framework of the large-scale project "HiLASE," an order from the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic to deliver an ultrafast laser system, generating 750 mJ pulse energy at a repetition rate of at least 1 kHz and a pulse duration of 3 ps.
Such unprecedented specifications so far can only be reached with disk laser technology and require a sophisticated set-up consisting of seed laser, regenerative amplifier, linear amplifier, and pulse compressor.
D+G fosters the expansion of disk laser technology by supplying the key components to laser makers and research institutes worldwide and supporting them with cutting-edge development. Whereas large scale disk laser manufacturers have an undisputed advantage in series production technology, D+G excels in its flexibility to match the customer’s special and most advanced needs. This is mainly due to a team of university graduates (in physics and mechanical engineering, among them four PhDs) and technicians.