Hixon, Staffordshire, UK - SSC Laser is celebrating its second quarter after achieving a record £700,000 (~$1.134 M) turnover in April despite the harshness of the economic climate. SSC Laser is a one-stop workshop for an extensive range of high-quality engineering services including laser cutting.
Much of SSC Laser’s performance can be attributed to the accomplishments of its recently established division in Aztec West, Bristol. The new site is already exceeding its targets and proving to have been a wise move for the company, says a release. The Bristol site is not alone in its strong performance. though, as all of divisions are doing very well with another particularly noteworthy performance from the Scotland site.
With divisions in Stafford, Derby, Sunderland, Slough, Motherwell, and Bristol, SSC Laser has its sights on expanding into another manufacturing site within the next 6 to 7 months.
Since its establishment in 2000, the firm has grown to be one of the largest sub-contract laser profiling companies in the UK while maintaining its headquarters in Hixon, Staffordshire.
With confidence in UK manufacturing, SSC Laser consistently maintains a high standard of work and strong customer relations and has expanded from one site in 2007 to six by 2012.
As specialists in rapid deliveries of precision laser engineered components, in both flat and tube profiles, the firm also offers press-braking, laser scanning and in-house CAD services.