Fiber lasers are an efficient and reliable tool for industrial manufacturing, and continue to show high growth rates. Rofin (Hamburg, Germany) has noted this trend, and the company is expanding its fiber laser production with an additional assembly line at their factory in Hamburg.
The company introduced high-power fiber lasers into the market in 2009, and has since delivered more than 1000 lasers with output powers up to 8kW. In 2013, they improved productivity to respond faster to market demand by enabling production with or without additional options—at the same time and in random order. This customized assembly has been the basis for future growth.
The additional production capacity allows the company to react to increasing demand in the low-power fiber laser segment. The number of assembly workplaces has been increased approximately 30%, improving production capacity and reducing lead times. The laser production is more flexible now and therefore well prepared for the upcoming introduction of the next Rofin fiber laser generation with even more powerful laser modules.
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