Dr. Corentin Spriet

Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire - IRI

20 publications, 1 European patent, 1 Deutsches Patentamt, 2 CNRS licences

1998-2002 B.Sc in biochemistry and biology, USTL, Lille
2002-2003 M.Sc instrumental developments « IAA, option imagerie et traitement du signal, Polytech'lille »Major.
2003-2006 PhD in “instrumentation and advanced analysis” summa cum laude

Research experience:
2010-Research engineer (IRI, Lille)
Project: development of new multimodal microscopy procedures for the functional study of transcription regulation in living cells.
2007-2009Franco-German Post-doctoral fellowship (DKFZ Heidelberg–IRI Lille)
Project: biophysical study of diffusion in living cell nucleus by FCS/FCCS.
2004-2006PhD (IRI, Lille)
Project: development and characterization of a SLiM acquisition system dedicated to molecular interactions studies in complex heterogeneous medium.
2003-2004M.Sc (Polytech’Lille/IBL Lille)
Project: development and characterization of a lifetime measurement system applied to transcription factors studies in living cells.

Selected publications (5/20):
Leray A, Spriet C, Trinel D, Blossey R, Usson Y, Héliot L. Quantitative comparison of polar approach versus fitting method in time domain FLIM image analysis. Cytometry A. 2011
Marcon L, Spriet C, Coffinier Y, Galopin E, Rosnoblet C, Szunerits S, Héliot L, Angrand PO, Boukherroub R. Cell adhesion properties on chemically micropatterned boron-doped diamond surfaces. Langmuir. 2010
Spriet C*, Dross N*, Zwerger M, Müller G, Waldeck W, Langowski J. Mobility of proteins in living cell nuclei PLOs One (2009)
Karpova T.S, Kim M.J, Spriet C, Nalley K, Stasevich T, Kherrouche Z, Heliot L, McNally J.G Concurrent Fast and Slow Cycling of a Transcriptional Activator at an Endogenous Promoter. Sciences (2008)
Spriet C, Trinel D, Waharte F, Deslee D, Vandenbunder B, Barbillat J, Heliot L. Correlated fluorescence lifetime and spectral measurements in living cells. Microscopy Research and Technique (2007).

Creation and organization of national workshop (Teck’FRET-2008, Teck’FLIM-2006, Initiation à la microscopie-2006).
Organization and scientific comity of national thematic schools (MiFoBio 2004, 2006, 2008).
Founding member of national microscopy networks (RT-mfm, GDR2588)
Coordinator of the national axes for lifetime measurements in living cells (RTmfm) (2007).
Creation and organization of national workshop (Teck’FRET-2008, Teck’FLIM-2006, Initiation à la microscopie-2006).
Organization and scientific comity of national thematic schools (MiFoBio 2004, 2006, 2008).
Founding member of national microscopy networks (RT-mfm, GDR2588)
Coordinator of the national axes for lifetime measurements in living cells (RTmfm)