Lawrence van der Vegt

Subject Matter Expert, EXFO
3 Headshot Lawrence Van Der Vegt 5f886641b8f3e

Lawrence van der Vegt is an optics veteran; he earned his Bachelors degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in The Netherlands and has held various key directorial positions at optical test & measurement companies in The Netherlands and the U.S. He is currently active as a Subject Matter Expert on behalf of EXFO, involved in passive and active component testing driven by PIC technologies.

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Test & Measurement

Integrated solutions key to fast, accurate, and repeatable PIC testing

PIC manufacturers involved with mass production as well as at the research and development level can experience challenges and hurdles. Turning multi-faceted manufacturing and...
FIGURE 1. A broadband source and optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) setup requires no wavelength synchronization between the two instruments; when combined with the chip, the light can be collected and coupled to the OSA, which will then perform a sweep to record the spectral response of the PIC device under test.
Test & Measurement

Synchronization choices are key to accurate PIC component characterization

Nov. 17, 2020
Selecting electrical or optical synchronization between tunable laser sources and optical power meters is key to accurate spectral characterization of passive optical PIC components...