San Jose, CA--Sunrise Telecom today added two new versions of its Micro OTDR modules to its industry-leading SunSet Modular Test Toolkit (MTT) handheld platform.
These new multi-mode OTDRs deliver the performance and features expected from Mini-OTDRs in one of the industry's smallest packages—5.0"x 3.5"x 0.9" (126 x 90 x 22 mm) for the module—at low cost, allowing outside plant and network installation and maintenance managers to expand their test gear, while eliminating the need for technicians to share equipment and boosting productivity.
"As demand for bandwidth increases while fiber cost continues to decrease, enterprises, telecom and cable TV companies zealously install more fiber throughout their corporate and access networks. These installations typically are comprised of high quantities of relatively short fiber creating unique and demanding installation and maintenance scenarios," said Charlie Songpetchmongkol, product manager at Sunrise Telecom. "To meet these challenges, technicians and engineers require an extremely small, portable and inexpensive OTDR. This need is precisely what drove Sunrise Telecom to develop the Micro OTDR series."