The 15th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and the 5th Quantum Electronics and Laser Sciences (QELS) conference will mark the 35th anniversary of the invention of the laser with a joint conference on lasers, electro-optics, quantum electronics, and laser science in Baltimore, MD (May 21-26). Charles Townes, the inventor of the laser/maser principle, will be honored with a special birthday symposium that will feature reminiscences by Arthur Schawlow of Stanford University on lasers, Boris Stoicheff of the University of Toronto on nonlinear optics, and Joseph Giordmaine of NEC Corp. on molecular spectroscopy and the maser. Ali Javan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will present a historical overview of gas-laser technology that he pioneered.
NIST extends laser power- and energy-meter calibration to ultraviolet wavelengths