WASHINGTON, DC AND NASHUA, NH-The Photonic Applications, Systems and Technologies (PhAST) Conference and Laser Focus World magazine are pleased to announce that Thorlabs (Newton, NJ) is the recipient of this year’s PhAST/Laser Focus World Innovation Award-an awards program that honors the most timely, ground-breaking products in the field of laser science.
The award recognizes Thorlabs for its Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM) that integrates adaptive optical technology with microscopic imaging to provide micrometer resolution across a large and dynamically configurable field of view. In addition to the award given to Thorlabs, four honorable mention products were chosen:
-Biophotonic Solutions: For MIIPS, a pulse shaper that can automatically measure and compensate phase distortions that broaden femtosecond laser pulses
-Discovery Semiconductors: For creating the first commercial coherent optical receiver system called Kitty Hawk
-FASTLITE: For the PHAZZLER, an ultrafast pulse-shaping and measurement system incorporated in a single instrument
-PolarOnyx: For the world’s first 10 W femtosecond fiber laser product