The MicAO 3D-SR adaptive optics accessory by Imagine Optic (Orsay, France) enables super-resolution 3D imaging on any standard inverted microscope configured for photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). Coupling a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor with a deformable mirror, the accessory installs between the microscope's camera port and EMCCD camera. The accessory enables image acquisition with axial resolution of 10â20 nm over a ~1 μm depth of focus and up to several microns into the sample.
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MicAO 3D-SR for 3-dimensional PALM and STORM imaging
At the end of 2012, Imagine Optic began delivering its latest adaptive-optics solution, named MicAO 3D-SR, for super-resolution 3-dimensional imaging using Photo-Activated Localization Microscopy (PALM) and Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM).
MicAO is unique in 2 key ways. First, it is the only solution that brings real 3D imaging to virtually any standard inverted microscope configured for PALM and STORM. Second, and maybe more importantly, its plug-and-play design means that customers simply install MicAO between the microscopeâs camera port and the EMCCD and the device does the rest.
The company believes that MicAOâs combination of versatility and ease-of-use will create strong demand in the life-sciences imaging industry over the course of 2013.
Visit or call +33 (0)1 64 86 15 60 for more information.
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