Also in the news . . .
The second in a series of seven patents for fiberoptic switching based on frustrated total internal reflection has been granted to Richard Laughlin of Omega Technologies (Richardson, TX). Laughlin is currently seeking partners interested in licensing the technology. . . . Telecommunications company Osicom Technologies Inc. (Santa Monica, CA) has acquired fiberoptic-transmission-equipment- supplier Dynair Electronics (San Diego, CA) for an undisclosed sum. Dynair will operate as a subsidiary of Osicom. . . . SCEON Lighting Systems (Kirkland, WA) has developed a 35-ft plastic light pipe for portable lighting in confined areas and hazardous-materials areas. Available in diameters ranging from 3 to 12 mm, the pipes offer diffuse illumination axially with a focused point source at the end. According to Jan Pitzer, general manager, the illumination is roughly equivalent to a 150-W floodlight. . . . Engineered Yarns America Inc. (Little Compton, RI) has licensed its Glassline technology for fiberoptic cabling central strength members to Indore Composite Pvt. Ltd. (ICPL, Bombay, India).