Fiberoptic-component market to reach $17.4 billion by turn of century
The worldwide fiberoptic-components market is expected to reach $17.4 billion by the year 2000, say analysts at KMI Corp. (Providence, RI). This projection includes fiberoptic cable, transceivers, and connectors. In 1995 the market grew 16% to reach $7.1 billion. An increase of 19% annually is forecast for the period from 1995 to 2000, with the most significant growth occurring during the later years. KMI president Jack Kessler attributes this nonlinear growth to the time necessary for full acceptance of fiber-in-the-loop and switched digital services. Driven by strong demand in the communications and cable-television industry, the market for single-mode transmitters and receivers alone is expected to grow to $3.1 billion by the year 2000.