Global optical-amplifier market poised for takeoff
Consumption of optical amplifiers worldwide is expected to expand to $575 million by 1999 from the 1994 figure of $255 million, according to a study by ElectroniCast Corp. (San Mateo, CA). The forecast includes both semiconductor optical amplifiers and optical-fiber amplifiers. After the turn of the century, demand should continue to grow at a rate of 15.6% per year, bringing the market to $1.19 billion by 2004. North American consumption will be highest, rising to 51% of the market by 2004; the remaining market share is largely European applications. Not surprisingly, the optical-amplifier specialty fiber market is also expected to expand during the same period, rising from $6.3 million in 1994 to
$51.89 million in 2004, with annual growth rates exceeding 20%.