FiberLAST Inc

Ankara, Cankaya 06800


About FiberLAST Inc



ODTU Teknokent Galyum Blok Z3
Ankara, Cankaya 06800

More Info on FiberLAST Inc

Develops state-of-the-art fiber lasers for industrial and scientific applications, including high-power femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond-pulsed and CW all-fiber-integrated systems. Applications include marking, engraving, cutting, precision micromachining and surface texturing.


Measured output power versus pump power (blue squares) matches well with computer simulations (red line) over a wide range (a). Measured and simulated pulsewidths at 100 W power versus total system GDD also match well (b).
Lasers & Sources

HIGH-POWER FIBER LASERS: Doping management leads to better fiber-laser output

Researchers at Bilkent University and FiberLAST Inc. and TÜBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsu have created a forward-pumped short-pulse fiber laser in which the amount of dopant...

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