Luna Optoelectronics

Camarillo, CA 93012


About Luna Optoelectronics



1240 Avenida Acaso
Camarillo, CA 93012
United States

More Info on Luna Optoelectronics

Manufacturer of standard and custom SiPDs for industrial, medical, homeland security and military markets. Products include APDs, single-element, bi-cells and quads, multielement LED and detector arrays, hybrid detector amplifiers.


(Credit: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)
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Executive Forum

Luna Innovations, Lockheed Martin expand their partnership

The extended deal will further the development of new optical measurement products that will help to ensure the global fleet of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 aircraft.
(Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay)
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Executive Forum

Boosting fiber-optic sensing offerings, Luna Innovations acquires OptaSense

The acquisition of the fiber-optic sensing specialist allows for expansion into high-growth markets such as security and perimeter detection, smart infrastructure monitoring, ...
FIGURE 1. Reflected amplitude of the same fiber spool measured in 2007 (blue curve) and 2010 (red curve) using two different optical backscatter reflectometers (OBRs) shows a clear repeatable pattern in the data.
Fiber Optics

FIBER-OPTICS TEST & MEASUREMENT: Rayleigh backscatter reflectometry boosts fiber characterization

Optical backscatter reflectometry (OBR) is a powerful tool to characterize optical fiber and component properties, identifying small faults in these optical systems that can lead...
FIGURE 1. A Fourier transform of the interferometer fringes for four commercial tunable external-cavity diode lasers shows important differences that lead to source A as the best selection for sensing instrumentation.
Detectors & Imaging

TUNABLE SOURCES: Telecom laser investments pay off in near-IR instrumentation

A fortunate ancillary benefit of the massive investment in telecommunications sources has been in other areas requiring tunability at similar wavelengths such as measurement and...

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Additional content from Luna Optoelectronics

Buyer's Guide

Large Area Avalanche Photodiode

Large Area (up to 16mm) Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes provide significantly higher gain than typical APD's and offer benefits over PMT's in many applications.
Buyer's Guide

Custom LED's and LED modules

API designs and manufactures highly customized LED assemblies in wavelengths ranging from the UV to SWIR. Optoelectronic and packaging design for any application.
Buyer's Guide

Custom Silicon and InGaAs photodiodes / modules

API designs and manufactures photodiodes and assemblies for applications from the UV through the NIR. Complete design-through-manufacturing capability for military and commercial...
Lasers & Sources

Luna announces the Phoenix 1000 tunable laser based on the former Iolon "Apollo" laser

Blacksburg, VA--Luna Technologies announced its Phoenix 1000 tunable laser at OFC/NFOEC 2008. Luna's microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based, external cavity laser is based...
(Courtesy of Luna Technologies)
An optical-backscatter reflectometer examines 2 km of fiber, revealing many loss events. Measuring the same fiber, a conventional optical-time-domain reflectometer sees virtually nothing of interest.
Test & Measurement

FIBER-OPTIC TEST & MEASUREMENT: OBR details component structure and integrity

Luna Technologies (Blacksburg, VA) has taken its optical-backscatter-reflectometry (OBR) technology to new levels-the company’s improved instrument can now look inside a fiber...
FIGURE 1. Hot spots are often missed with stator monitoring based on RTDs because of a lack of spatial resolution, leading to costly equipment failure (left). The high-density temperature measurements made practical with fiberoptic sensing strings permit operators to detect hot spots before equipment failure (right).
Fiber Optics

OFDR tracks temperatures on power generators

As electrical generators age, they become increasingly prone to failure.