Rick Slagle

Managing Partner, Technical Solutions Marketing

Rick Slagle is a managing partner at Technical Solutions Marketing (Maynard, MA).

FIGURE 1. Tissue penetration for various types of lasers.
Lasers & Sources

Laser advancements offer pain-free aesthetic treatments

Sept. 22, 2021
Increasingly, fat reduction and other similar aesthetic treatments are finding distinct advantages of using lasers as a heat source, as they can employ uniform power density within...
FIGURE 1. A cross-section of a thermoelectric module is shown.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Chillers and Coolers: Laser chillers evolve to meet industrial and medical space constraints

Jan. 24, 2017
As lasers with higher output power are located in smaller packages to meet space requirements, the size of external laser chillers must also be reduced, while offering improved...
(Courtesy: Zildjian)