Mike DeMarco

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Mike DeMarco, business manager for QED Optics (Rochester, NY), has spent over 25 years in the fields of precision optics manufacturing and optical system assembly and testing. He took over the management of QED Optics in 2011 after serving as QED Technologies’ sales manager since 2001. Prior to joining QED, he managed the Optical Assembly and Test Department for PerkinElmer and SVG Lithography Systems.

FIGURE 1. A plano wavefront propagates through, and is aberrated by, a right-angle prism.
Optics & Design

Test and Measurement: MRF fabricates 'perfectly bad' surfaces

Feb. 10, 2014
Magnetorheological finishing (MRF) can be used to modify and characterize a surface in an optical system so that it is "perfectly bad," or precisely compensating for all other...
Using MRF, a 200 mm collimator lens being polished corrects for surface figure at QED Optics.

MARKET INSIGHTS: Growing an optics manufacturing equipment business by offering services

Sept. 13, 2013
Precision optics touch our lives in more ways than most of us know. These optics—large or small—continue to be produced by a relatively small industry that has changed relatively...