Kyocera America

San Diego, CA 92123


About Kyocera America


8611 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
United States

More Info on Kyocera America


Fiber Optics

On-board optics module features 512 Gbit/s bandwidth

An on-board optics module converts electrical signals into optical signals and is designed to support high-speed network applications.
FIGURE 1. Packaging integration for frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) LiDAR.
Test & Measurement

Seeing a bright future for LiDAR

Component evolution plays an instrumental role as LiDAR firms continue jockeying for position in the autonomous race.
(Credit: SPIE)
Prism 920x450
Executive Forum

2021 Prism Awards honor photonics innovations

During the 2021 Prism Awards online event, awards were presented to groundbreaking technologies and products in 10 categories ranging from quantum and smart sensing to life sciences...
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Positioning, Support & Accessories

Etalon filter from Kyocera has adaptive wavelength of 1520 to 1620 nm

A C-type temperature characteristics-free etalon filter detects deviations in multiple wavelengths in high-capacity optical communication systems.

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