Taylor Hobson Ltd

Leicester LE4 9JQ


About Taylor Hobson Ltd


PO Box 36
New Star Road
Leicester LE4 9JQ
United Kingdom

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FIGURE 1. An aspheric lens is mounted on a brass arbor.
Test & Measurement

Asphere Fabrication: Deterministic aspheric polishing uses multiwavelength interferometry for metrology

Using a metrology device and corrective software, CNC polishers can now use deterministic polishing to directly achieve form errors of sub-100 nm.
(Courtesy of Zygo)
FIGURE 1. Data from different zones of an aspheric surface measured by a Verifire Asphere interferometer are combined in software to obtain the optic's shape.
Test & Measurement

Photonics Products: Interferometers: Numerous ways exist to interferometrically measure aspheres

Aspheric optics can be measured using a Fizeau interferometer, or by using an optical profiler containing an interferometer; both approaches have a variety of forms.
(Image: Taylor Hobson)
A Talysurf PGI 3d profiler captures the surface profile of an asphere.

3D metrology improves from accuracy of diffractive optics

Taylor Hobson and Precitech have combined their expertise to develop a new process to measure, analyze, and correct for diffractive-optics form errors in three dimensions.

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