Laser-Laboratorium Goettingen GmbH

Goettingen 37077


About Laser-Laboratorium Goettingen GmbH



Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1
Goettingen 37077

More Info on Laser-Laboratorium Goettingen GmbH

Offers laser energy and laser power meters, calibration services, UV femtosecond laser systems, a job shop for optical micro-machining, customized production of quartz phase masks and portable laser, fluorescence spectrometers.


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Industrial Laser Solutions

Forgery-proof laser-holographical product identification

A new consortium-developed "laser-holographical" marking technology, showcased at last month's LASYS 2012 event in Stuttgart, claims to be bulletproof against forgery without ...
FIGURE 1. Piezoelectric crystal increases in length L + ΔL and decreases in diameter D + ΔD (ΔD is negative) with an applied voltage V (top, left). Stacked piezoelectric elements increase total displacement for voltage V applied in parallel to each element (top, right). A lever mechanism extends piezoelectric displacement into the 10s or 100s of microns (bottom).
Positioning, Support & Accessories

POSITIONING SYSTEMS: Piezoelectric positioners address broad range of tasks

Accurate positioning in laser and photonics applications generally relies upon converting an applied voltage into a very accurate displacement.

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