Zephyr Photonics Inc

Zephyr Cove, NV 89448


About Zephyr Photonics Inc



215 Elks Point Rd
PO Box 10779
Zephyr Cove, NV 89448
United States

More Info on Zephyr Photonics Inc

Develops optical interconnect solutions for harsh environments used for homeland security and national defense.

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Additional content from Zephyr Photonics Inc

Buyer's Guide

Ruggedized HD-SDI Active Optical Cable With Integrated Rotary Joint

Enables electrically-pluggable, high-speed HD-SDI channels across hybrid-optical rotary joint. Power and control channels remain routed via copper conduits. High-speed channels...
Buyer's Guide

Ruggedized Multi-Signal Active Optical Cable

Ruggedized, electrically-pluggable, active optical cable (AOC) aggregates multiple signal types: 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet + CMOS/TTL + RS-422/485 interfaces in a single cable...
Buyer's Guide

Ruggedized Ethernet (10/100/1000 Base-T) Active Optical Cable

Enable Ethernet (10/100/1000 Base-T) over 300 meters in light, EMI-resistant, ruggedized, electrically-pluggable, active optical cable assembly suitable for harsh environments...
Buyer's Guide

Ruggedized 4-Channel HD-SDI Video Active Optical Cable

Enable high-speed video over 300 meters in a light, EMI-resistant, ruggedized, electrically-pluggable, active optical cable (AOC) containing 4-channels of HD-SDI with 38999 MIL...