Noren Products Inc

Taylor, TX 76574


About Noren Products Inc



205 S Edmond St
Taylor, TX 76574
United States

More Info on Noren Products Inc

Provides expertise in phase change technology, mechanical design, 3D modeling, thermal and CDF analysis, rapid prototyping, first article prototyping, thermal performance testing and thermographic imaging.

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Additional content from Noren Products Inc

Buyer's Guide

Custom Heat Sinks

Custom heat sink optimization for sensitive electronics cooling.
Buyer's Guide

Cold Plate

Get the heat out while pushing your hardware past typical overclocking limits. Cold plates and heat pipe assemblies can help manage your waste heat more effectively.
Buyer's Guide

Heat Pipe

Flattened or bent to any contour or plane change based on your specifications. Can be designed to include cold plate, heat sink, vapor chamber, etc.