Endot Industries Inc

Rockaway, NJ 07866


About Endot Industries Inc



60 Green Pond Rd
Rockaway, NJ 07866
United States

More Info on Endot Industries Inc

Endot manufactures 1/2-2" plenum and riser raceways, corrugated and smoothwall HDPE OSP conduit, UL 651A electrical conduit, water, gas and geothermal pipe.

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Additional content from Endot Industries Inc

Buyer's Guide

Endocor IPR (plenum)

UL Listed Plenum Raceway 1/2" - 2"
Buyer's Guide

Endocor IRI (riser)

UL LIsted Riser Raceway 1/2" - 2" also Zero Halogen
Buyer's Guide


HDPE Corrugated, Smoothwall, Ribbed, can be UL LIsted for electrical cables, all sizes, any color or stripes, pull lines
Buyer's Guide

Zero Halogen Duct

UL Listed Riser Raceway that is Zero Halogen, 1/2" thru 2", any color, with pull line
Buyer's Guide

Endocor ICE

Outside Plant Corrugated Innerduct 1/2" - 2" HDPE, any color, pull lines, split
Buyer's Guide

Enduct IDE, IDR, IDU

Smoothwall - IDE, Ribbed - IDR, UL Listed Electrical Conduit - IDU - all sizes, any color or stripes, pull tapes HDPE
Buyer's Guide

Endocor IPR (plenum)

UL Listed Plenum Raceway 1/2" - 2"
Buyer's Guide

Endocor IRI (riser)

UL LIsted Riser Raceway 1/2" - 2" also Zero Halogen
Buyer's Guide


HDPE Corrugated, Smoothwall, Ribbed, can be UL LIsted for electrical cables, all sizes, any color or stripes, pull lines
Buyer's Guide

Zero Halogen Duct

UL Listed Riser Raceway that is Zero Halogen, 1/2" thru 2", any color, with pull line
Buyer's Guide

Endocor ICE

Outside Plant Corrugated Innerduct 1/2" - 2" HDPE, any color, pull lines, split
Buyer's Guide

Enduct IDE, IDR, IDU

Smoothwall - IDE, Ribbed - IDR, UL Listed Electrical Conduit - IDU - all sizes, any color or stripes, pull tapes HDPE