OptoElectronic Components

Kirkland, QC H9J 4A7


About OptoElectronic Components


28 Des Lilas
Kirkland, QC H9J 4A7

More Info on OptoElectronic Components

Offers a deep understanding of photon counting detectors and applications. Provides detectors with 30ps timing resolution, superior detection efficiency, low dark counts and low afterpulsing.


(Courtesy of Politecnico di Milano all images [3])
FIGURE 1. The vertical cross-section (a) of a typical thin double epitaxial single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) is contrasted with the cross-section of the active region of a thin SPAD (b) with a qualitative electric field profile for the multiplying space-charge region.
Detectors & Imaging

SINGLE-PHOTON DETECTORS: Planar architecture optimizes Si single-photon-counting detectors

A new planar structure for silicon single-photon-counting detectors leads to the doubling of detector efficiency while maintaining picosecond timing resolution, low dark counts...
(Courtesy of Politecnico di Milano)
FIGURE 1. The layout of a pixel in a 32 × 32 photon-counting camera includes a SPAD detector, front-end quenching circuit, and counter. When a photon triggers the SPAD, the VLQC senses the avalanche, quenches the current, and resets the SPAD (right); the ancillary electronics send a count to the counter.
Detectors & Imaging

ADVANCED CAMERAS: Single-photon-counting camera operates at high frame rates

A 32 × 32-pixel single-photon-counting camera consists of single-photon avalanche diodes with all electronics incorporated within each pixel.
(Courtesy of OptoGration)
FIGURE 1. Designed for use in flash-ladar systems, a new type of large-format avalanche photodiode array measuring 256 × 256 pixels (1.5 cm2) overcomes manufacturing issues that caused shifts in operating voltage.
Detectors & Imaging

APD ARRAYS: Avalanche photodiode arrays provide versatility in ultrasensitive applications

The various operation modes of avalanche photodiodes enable them to be optimized for applications from 3-D imaging to communications with Mars.
FIGURE 1. A SPAD reach-through structure has a thick depleted region (top). A planar structure has thin depletion for ultrafast timing response (bottom).
Detectors & Imaging

Single-photon avalanche diodes excel at low-light detection

Many applications in bioscience, imaging, and lidar require low-light detection. In fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy, for example, the confocal technique used to examine ...

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