New Products

May 1, 2009
The JOLD-100-CPXF-2P A and the JOLD-x-CPXF-2P W fiber-coupled diode lasers provide optical output power up to 140 W CW.

Fiber-coupled diode lasers

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The JOLD-100-CPXF-2P A and the JOLD-x-CPXF-2P W fiber-coupled diode lasers provide optical output power up to 140 W CW. Passively cooled with air or tap water, they have fiber core diameters of 400 and 600 µm, respectively, with an NA of 0.22. A new 880 nm center wavelength has been introduced. Applications include pumping of solid-state lasers and fiber lasers, materials processing and medical applications.
Jenoptik, Jena, Germany

Universal counter

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The Model 1105 Universal Counter incorporates 40 ps of time-interval resolution with 12 digits of frequency resolution. The device has built-in statistics and math functions for analyzing display mean, min/max, delta, and standard deviations. New features include rise/fall time, period, phase, event counts, voltage peaks measurements, LAN control using Ethernet IP with comprehensive GUI, and free software using SCPI commands.
Berkeley Nucleonics, San Rafael, CA

OD 6 rugate notch filters

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TECHSPEC OD 6 rugate notch filters provide 92% transmission from 350 to 2000 nm. The narrowband reflectors exhibit an OD over 6 rejection for the center wavelength and greater than 99.5% reflectivity at the center wavelenth. They are manufactured using a single coating layer with a continuously sinusoidally varying refractive index.
Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ
[email protected]

High-speed camera

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The Phantom v310 offers users a wide aspect ratio and a top speed of 3400 frames/s at the camera’s maximum resolution of 1280 × 800. At reduced resolution, the camera can record at speeds up to 500,000 frames/s. It uses a custom-designed, proprietary CMOS sensor that is available in color or monochrome. The camera is suited for scientific research, product development, and ballistics and explosions testing.
Vision Research, Wayne, NJ

EMCCD camera

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The ProEM camera for scientific imaging uses 512 × 512 and 1024 × 1024 back-illuminated EMCCDs and supports both electron-multiplication (EM) and traditional readout ports. It is designed for professional use in challenging low-light applications associated with single-molecule fluorescence, astronomy, and ion imaging, as well as other high-frame-rate, light-starved applications.
Princeton Instruments, Trenton, NJ

Thermoelectric coolers

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The OptoCooler HV series is a new class of RoHS-compliant thermoelectric coolers. The OptoCooler HV14 operates at a maximum voltage of 2.9 V and can pump 1.7 W of heat at 85°C in a footprint of 2.8 mm2. Using a Thermal Copper Pillar Bump, it creates a temperature differential (DeltaT) of up to 51°C between its hot and cold sides, suited for optoelectronic devices such as laser diodes and high-brightness LEDs.
Nextreme, Raleigh, NC
[email protected]

Micro thermal-imaging system

The latest version of the micro thermal-imaging system for semiconductor failure analysis includes a new thermal imaging camera with 320 × 240 element uncooled detector and 0.05°C sensitivity, 20 µm microscopic lens, wide-angle lens, and 16-bit digital Camera Link interface.
OptoTherm, Sewickley, PA
[email protected]

LMA all-erbium fibers

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Large-mode-area (LMA), all-erbium fibers are manufactured using a proprietary Direct Nanoparticle Deposition (DND) active fiber-production technology. They have core absorptions of 60 to 120 dB/m at 1530 nm, NAs less than 0.10, cores of 20 to 70 µm, and claddings from 125 to 400 µm. Eye-safe applications at 1.5+ µm include LIDAR, range-finding, sensing, medical, and directed-energy applications.
nLight, Vancouver, WA
[email protected]

Fluorescence probe

The QF600-8-VIS/NIR fiber-optic fluorescence probe is designed to eliminate the back reflection from excitation radiation, resulting in a greater fluorescence signal than traditional fluorescence-probe design parameters. It uses one flat fiber for detection and seven angled fibers that direct excitation energy to the region in front of the detection fiber.
Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL
[email protected]

Color LEDs

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The Advanced Power TOPLED Plus provides 15% more light for direct display backlighting than standard TOPLEDs. Using a new lens designed for backlighting, at an operating current of 100 mA, the LEDs achieve 14 lm (red), 24 lm (green), and 28 mW/sr (blue). LEDs measure 2.25 mm high with a lifetime of more than 50,000 h.
Osram Opto, Santa Clara, CA

Silicon drift detector

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The SAHARA III Peltier-cooled silicon drift detector has an active area of 100 mm2, and standard beryllium or low-energy polymer windows. Designed for x-ray spectroscopy, this cryogen-free, lightweight, compact detector offers low-energy resolution below 125 eV and count rates above 100 kps, and a cool-down period of less than 2 min.
Princeton Gamma Tech Instruments Princeton, NJ
[email protected]

Metrology system for aspheres

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The Aspheric Stitching Interferometer measures steep aspheres with as much as 1000 waves (more than 600 µm) of departure from the best-fit sphere without using dedicated null lenses or computer-generated holograms. The system is based on proprietary subaperture stitching technology and patent-pending Variable Optical Null technology.
QED Technologies, Rochester, NY
[email protected]

SWIR digital line-scan camera

The high speed, square 25-µm-pixel SWIR SU-LDH digital line-scan camera uses the new LC linear array, providing double-sampling, integrate-while-read snapshot acquisition, and low noise. Suited for machine vision and process monitoring, the uncooled InGaAs camera has frame rates of more than 46,000 lines/s and QE better than 70% from 1.0 to 1.6 µm.
Sensors Unlimited, Princeton, NJ

Vacuum x-ray CCD camera

The vacuum-compatible x-ray CCD camera is capable of operating completely in a vacuum. With flexible binning and ROI readouts, the camera is suited for applications such as plasma physics, deep UV lithography, x-ray microscopy, and x-ray spectroscopy.
Sydor Instruments, Rochester, NY
[email protected]

Color machine-vision cameras

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Three high-speed color models have joined the CleverDragon suite of Camera Link digital machine-vision cameras. Offered in UXGA to QSXGA, two models include Power over Camera Link (PoCL) technology to transfer image data, power, and control signals on a single cable. This provides 5-megapixel, 12-bit color images at up to 15 frames/s.
Toshiba Teli, Irvine, CA

Wavefront sensing technology

The WaveMaster instrument provides real-time wavefront measurement and analysis of spherical and aspheric single lenses as well as complete objectives using Shack-Hartmann Sensor technology. It provides live Zernike and MTF analysis and complete surface characterization. It includes software and a five-axis alignment sample holder for ease of sample alignment.
Trioptics, Wedel, Germany
[email protected]

Pump-laser module

The 1064 nm single-mode pump-laser module, the 1064 CHP, has output power up to 400 mW at 850 mA and peak power up to 1 W. It comes in a hermetically sealed 14-pin butterfly package with polarization-maintaining fiber pigtail. It includes an integrated thermoelectric cooler, thermistor, and back-facet monitor photodiode.
3S Photonics, Nozay, France

Material handling system

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The LaserTurn1 is an integrated linear-rotary motion subsystem that combines automated material handling with direct-drive linear and rotary motion to provide high-throughput cylindrical laser processing system. It includes an automated, pneumatically actuated Type D collet closer with a clear aperture for product feed-through. It supports tubing diameters from 0.1 to 7.9 mm in dry cutting.
Aerotech, Pittsburgh, PA

Laser mirror gratings

A range of high-power fiber-laser mirror gratings are available packaged and unpackaged in a range of fibers from single-mode to 25 µm LMA fiber. Reflectivities are available from 4% to 99%, with power handling demonstrated to the kilowatt level. Components are available in Yb, Er, and Tm bands.
Avensys, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Thermal imaging array

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Lira is a lead selenide thermal imaging array with 256 elements sensitive in the 1.0 to 5.5 µm wavelength region. It comes in an industry-standard 28-pin package and can be programmed for a variety of high-speed applications including hot-spot detection in manufacturing and assembly process lines, conveyer belts, buildings, and railway systems.
Cal Sensors, Santa Rosa, CA
[email protected]

Multimode fiber

ClearCurve ultrabendable multimode optical fiber for use in data centers and enterprise networks is able to withstand tight bends at or below 10 mm radius with less signal loss than traditional multimode fiber, minimizing signal loss. The 50 µm fiber meets or exceeds the Om3 industry standard for multimode fibers, as well as the proposed OM4 standard.
Corning, Corning NY

Mid-IR lasers

Tunable laser systems with center wavelengths of 3.3 and 4.5 µm enable the detection of methane, ethane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, water, and other hydrocarbons. By integrating these wavelengths into the company’s continuous-wave, mode-hop-free laser system, researchers can now have access to high-resolution spectroscopy sources.
Daylight Solutions, Poway, CA

Piezoelectric actuators

FlexFrame PiezoActuators can be custom-configured for unique geometric and weight constraints as well as for demanding environments including extreme-temperature, nonmagnetic, and vacuum requirements. The lack of sliding between internal components eliminates wear and particulate generation. Flexure guidance provides smooth, stiction-free and backlash-free motion for critical positioning applications with no need for lubrication.
Dynamic Structures and Materials, Franklin, TN
[email protected]

USB power supplies

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The USB-HV series high-voltage USB-cable power supply features digital interface control, ripple as low as 25 parts per million peak to peak, temperature coefficient of less than 25ppm/°C, precision output voltage monitor, 0% to 100% programmability, low EMI/RFI emissions, and arc- and short-circuit protection. Control software is included.
Emco High Voltage, Sutter Creek, CA
[email protected]

Diode drivers

Five LDX-36000-12 high-power laser-diode drivers provide high current output, precision measurement and control, and multiple levels of laser diode protection for safely testing high-power laser diodes. They have CW current output ranges from 10 to 125 A, and QCW current output from 20 to 220 A with compliance voltages from 12 to 70 V.
ILX Lightwave, Bozeman, MT
[email protected]

Fiber-coupled diodes

A series 8000 793-MFP diode delivers up to 4 W of stable CW output power from a 100-µm-core 0.22 NA fiber at wavelengths in the region of 793 nm, with lower-NA fibers available on request. The devices are integrated in a standard mini fiber package. They are also available in a free-space configuration.
Intense, Jersey City, NJ

X-ray photodiode

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The AXUV 100GX Absolute x-ray photodiode has known active silicon thicknesses and 100% internal quantum efficiency, making possible absolute measurement of x-ray flux with energies 100 keV and beyond. The device has a 10 × 10 mm active area with room-temperature operation and a small detector footprint.
International Radiation Detectors, Torrance, CA

Green fiber lasers

A fiber laser offers scalable average output power up to 10 W at 532 nm, pulse duration of 1 ns, and frequency of 50 to 600 kHz. A second laser is a single-frequency, low-noise CW laser with output power greater than 15W, m2 of less than 1.1, and a linewidth near 2 MHz at 532 nm.
IPG Photonics, Oxford, MA

Vibration-isolation table

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The 2800 Series LLHP ultra-low-frequency vibration-isolation workstation is designed for sensitive equipment in the 100 lb range (200 lb max.). Trifilar pendulum mounts and Active-Air suspension provide horizontal and vertical axis isolation. The tabletop is 30 in. square, 2 in. thick, and can be constructed of lightweight aluminum extruded core or a variety of composite cores.
Kinetic Systems, Boston, MA
[email protected]

DFB fiber laser

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The BasiK single-frequency, low-noise distributed-feedback fiber laser can be provided either as single-wavelength systems or grouped for multiwavelength DWDM systems. It comes in custom specified wavelengths within the C- and L-band as well as from 1.03 to 1.12 µm, with up to 50 mW of optical output.
Koheras, Birkerod, Denmark

Laser marking heads

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The warpSCAN II series of laser marking heads are galvanometer scanners measuring 165 × 117 × 146 mm. They are available in 7, 10, and 14 mm aperture sizes and can be customized with galvanometer mirrors and objectives as well as optimized mounts for all typical laser types and image fields.
Laser Scanning Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA
[email protected]

Diode lasers

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The LIMO30-F400-DL1470-EX880 diode-laser module operates at 1470 nm. Micro-optic beam shaping enables a compact system. The output power of the two fiber-coupled devices is measured at the output of 400 µm fiber. The lasers come in an electrically isolated housing. An exchangeable window, fiber detection sensor, and a pilot laser are optional.
LIMO, Dortmund, Germany

High-brightness LEDs

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The Orca series of super flux LEDs is available in the standard colors of red, green, blue, yellow, and white, and includes three bi-color combinations and RGB. Lens geometries include dome, oval and flat to provide viewing angles of 30°, 45°, 80°, and wide 160°. Operational life is to 100,000 hours.
Bivar, Irvine, CA
[email protected]

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