New products

June 1, 2009
PhaseCam IR laser interferometers make surface and wavefront measurements at 3.39 or 10.6 µm.

Laser interferometers

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PhaseCam IR laser interferometers make surface and wavefront measurements at 3.39 or 10.6 µm. They use Dynamic Interferometry to acquire measurement data in less than 1 ms, overcoming vibration and air turbulence. The dual-mode systems also use traditional, temporal phase-shifting interferometry. The turnkey systems include advanced wavefront-analysis software.
4D Technology, Tucson, AZ
[email protected]

Nanopositioning stage

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The PXY 201 CAP XY-plane nanopositioning and microscanning stage offers clearance of 30 x 30 mm2 and a motion range of up to 250 µm in open loop and 200 µm in closed loop. It can be equipped with an integrated capacitive feedback sensor. Creep and hystersis can be compensated with a matching amplifier.
Piezosystem Jena, Jena, Germany

Thermal imager

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The Mikron MikroSHOT thermal-imaging camera displays radiometric temperature data directly on the visible image. It weighs 10.5 oz. and uses off-the-shelf batteries or an AC adapter. It has a 2.7 in. display and 160 × 120 pixel image resolution with a measuring range from –20°C to 350°C and operating temperature from –15°C to 50°C.
LumaSense Technologies, Santa Clara, CA
[email protected]

Red fiber laser

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A laser produces 300 mW at 642 nm from an all-fiber laser cavity. The laser head measures 130 × 50 × 33 mm and is connected to the controller via an optical cable. The user controls it through a USB or RS232 connection. Applications include DNA sequencing, flow cytometry, and confocal microscopy.
MPB Communications, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Fiber-coupled laser diodes

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The ProLite Xt Corvus lasers have output of 35 to 575 W from fiber diameters from 100 to 400 µm. The ProLite Xt Orion has output up to 25 W at 915, 940 and 976 nm, and 15 W at 808 and 810 nm. The Prolite Xt Prosario has output up to 60 W from 790 to 980 nm.
Spectra-Physics Laser Division, Newport, Mountain View, CA

OEM diode laser

The PhoxX diode-laser series is capable of direct digital modulation over 180 MHz and analog power modulation of more than 1 MHz, requiring no optoacoustic modulation. The beam has a diameter of approximately 1 mm with absolutely circular focus. The lasers offer single-mode operation with output up to 140 mW at wavelengths from 375 to 830 nm.
Omicron Laserage Laserprodukte, Rodgau, Germany

Laser displacement sensors

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The CD5 series laser displacement sensors provide noncontact measurement sensing for surfaces from mirrored reflective silicone wafers to low-reflective black rubber. Standard diffuse types with narrow and wide beam cover distances of 30 and 85 mm. Three long-distance heads with the wide beam spot cover 350 and 500 mm and 2 m.
Optex, West Des Moines, IA
[email protected]

Pulse compressor

A femtosecond laser pulse stretcher and compressor based on chirped volume Bragg gratings can manipulate the laser pulse length in a small piece of glass containing a holographic grating in its bulk. The efficiency of stretching and compression is better than 90% without degradation or mechanical misalignment, compressing pulses to shorter than 200 fs.
OptiGrate, Orlando, FL

UV-coating optics

Rapid prototyping of optics with high ultraviolet transmission, extremely smooth surfaces with low scatter, and high laser-damage-threshold thin-film coatings is available in sizes from 3 to 300 mm. The company specializes in asphere, cylinder, sphere, and plano/flat optics. All parts are manufactured to customer specifications. Final inspection data is included.
Optimax Systems, Ontario, NY
[email protected]

Launch condition analyzer

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The OP1021 Launch Condition Analyzer allows users to verify their launch sources via encircled flux measurements, so that the test setup is fully compliant with the latest standards (IEC, TIA, IEEE, etc.). The unit contains built-in LED sources and is customizable with internal 50 and 62.5 µm fibers as well as customizable launch requirements.
Optotest, Camarillo, CA
[email protected]

Solid-state laser

The WhisperIT 488 solid-state laser is based on 488 nm GaN diodes for use in biotechnology instrumentation applications and other markets. The diodes are stabilized for continuous-wave operation as well as modulation without the use of a shutter, neutral-density filter, or an acousto-optic modulator. The laser is available as a free-space or fiber-delivered device.
Pavilion Integration, San Jose, CA

Digital wavefront sensors

DWS digital wavefront sensors for wavefront analysis and laser beam profiling measure wavefronts with resolution limited only by the resolution of CCD sensors. With 600 × 600 measurement points, the sensors yield wavefront measurement with λ/100 accuracy and λ/200 sensitivity while attaining dynamic range of 1500λ for the 350 to 1100 nm range.
Phaseview, Palaiseau, France

High-speed camera

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The Fastcam SA5 provides 7,500 frames/s at 1024 × 1000 resolution. The stand-alone, one-piece system features a 12-bit monochrome (36-bit RGB color) sensor with 20 µm square pixels . It has 1 ms global shuttering and is available in 8, 16, and 32 GB memory configurations. It includes remote-control keypad with an RS422 connection and a 5 in. LCD screen.
Photron, San Diego, CA

Picosecond timing module

An OEM version of the HRMTime high-resolution timing module handles nanosecond to picosecond timing. It is available in 1, 2, or 4 channels and provides histogram and FIFO time tagging modes of operation. Its USB 2.0 connector makes it compatible with and detector. It comes with LabVIEW drivers, DLL libraries, and a GUI.
SensL, Cork, Ireland


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The SD1024FH spectrograph is designed for semiconductor process control applications such as very low exposed area contact etch, ion beam etch, and photomask etch. Its 200 to 800 nm spectral range optical system uses a 1024-element, scientific-grade thermoelectrically cooled CCD sensor specifically designed for challenging applications. It comes with SpectraView software.
Verity Instruments, Carollton, TX

X-ray camera

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The PIXIS-XF: 2048 x-ray camera has 4-million-pixel resolution, operates at 100 kHz and 2 MHz, and supports the company’s phosphor replacement design to optimize the camera for different x-ray energies. The fully integrated camera is designed for applications including microcomputer tomography, streak-tube readout, and industrial and medical imaging.
Princeton Instruments, Trenton, NJ

Pump diode laser

A wavelength-stabilized, 0.65 W, 808 nm single-emitter pump diode laser is packaged on a small-form-factor 3 mm Q-mount. Proprietary Wavelength Stabilization Technology (WST) uses an integrated grating on the laser chip, providing a pump wavelength locked on the narrow absorption band of the microlaser gain medium without the need for temperature control circuitry Applications include picoprojector and laser display systems.
Alfalight, Madison, WI

NIR Raman spectrograph

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The Nanuvut long-wavelength NIR Raman spectrograph, designed to replace FT-IR systems, has a dispersive f/2 design with no moving parts. Suited for measuring biological/tissue samples at 1064 nm, the compact system has a spectral resolution of 8 cm-1 with spectral coverage up to 3300 cm-1 and S/N up to 8000:1.
AMS Technologies, Munich, Germany
[email protected]

Cameras for fault detection in solar cells

The iKon-M 934 BR-DD delivers approximately 70% QE at 900 nm in a cooled, USB 2.0 CCD camera platform. The LucaEM R electron-multiplying CCD camera has a monochrome megapixel frame-transfer EMCCD sensor. Designed for solar-cell quality control during manufacturing, they harness the phenomenon of induced photovoltaic electroluminescence, where weak emissions in the 900 to 1100 nm wavelength range are used to detect typical faults such as shunts, crystalline defects, and broken-finger electrodes.
Andor, Belfast, Northern Ireland

480 W recirculating chiller

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The compact KTD recirculating chiller is designed to meet the cooling needs of high-tech instrumentation with a cooling requirement of up to 480 W. The PID temperature controller allows the temperature to be controlled with a precision of ± 0.1°C from 4°C to 35°C. The unit has high/low temperature alarms and fluid-level indicators fitted as standard.
Applied Thermal Control, Leicestershire, England
[email protected]

Four-megapixel Camera Link camera

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The A406 4-megapixel camera with a Camera Link interface provides 209 frames/s at the full resolution of 2320 × 1726 pixels. It uses a CMOS sensor with a rolling shutter. Available in monochrome and color, it is suited for automated optical inspection systems.
Basler Vision Technologies, Ahrensburg, Germany
[email protected]

Mini narrow light sources

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A line of cost-effective fiber lasers at 785 and 1064 nm come in card-mount or rack-mount with adjustable gain control and LCD display. These devices are suitable as Raman excitation sources for biomedical, pharmaceutical/PAT, or research applications.
BaySpec, Fremont, CA
[email protected]

Laser-diode bar

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A 10 mm, 200 W laser-diode bar is designed to enable manufacturers of direct-diode laser systems to compete with fiber lasers and CO2 lasers in multikilowatt material-processing applications. The bar provides CW and hard-pulse operation and is designed for microchannel single-sided cooling configuration. The bar is available from 915 to 980 nm and has a wall-plug efficiency of 65%.
Oclaro, formerly Bookham, San Jose, CA

Laser-spectrum analyzer

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The 721 Series Laser Spectrum Analyzer will work with CW and pulsed infrared lasers that operate from 1.3 to 11 µm. Absolute laser wavelength is measured to an accuracy as high as ± 0.2 parts per million (± 0.001 nm at 5 µm), and the laser’s spectrum is determined to a resolution as high as 2 GHz.
Bristol Instruments, Victor, NY
[email protected]

CW green laser

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The Genesis 532-2000 S is a 2000 mW CW, green (532 nm) laser that provides an alternative to DPSS lasers. Based on optically pumped semiconductor-laser (OPSL) technology, the lasers provide an M2 of better than 1.2, no “green noise,” and overall amplitude noise at 6.6% or better. The air-cooled laser measures 11 × 6 × 3.3 in. and is designed for life-science applications.
Coherent, Santa Clara, CA
[email protected]

Laser-scanning microscope

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The LSM 700/mat laser-scanning microscope allows precise 3-D imaging of surfaces. The combination of fluorescence and reflection techniques enables high-precision examination of semiconductors, metal, glass, and polymers with high information content. The system captures 3-D topography of the finest roughness without surface damage. It can also measure relatively soft surfaces, such as polymers.
Carl Zeiss, Thornwood, NY

Collimators and focusing devices

Collimators and focusing devices are manufactured from optical glass lenses of BK-7. Three sizes of collimators are available to accommodate fibers from up to 400 and 800 mm, and larger. All have SMA-compatible connectors. Focusing devices are available in 25.40 mm length with a 28.58 mm diameter and in 16.38 mm length with a 15.88 mm diameter. The instruments are suited for applications within the 350 to 2000 nm wavelength range.
CeramOptec, East Longmeadow, MA

Illumination system

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The Fiber-Lite MI-30SG is a 30 W quartz halogen unit is a single gooseneck model that delivers over 10,000 foot-candles of intense, cold illumination. Designed for laboratory use, the lamp has an average life of more than 200 hours, weighs 7.25 lb, and is housed in a rugged, convection-cooled enclosure for zero noise and vibration.
Dolan-Jenner, Boxborough, MA

High-power diode lasers

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Wavelength-stabilized fiber-coupled diode lasers are available starting from 25 W output from a 200 µm fiber core diameter, up to 400 W output from a 400 µm fiber core diameter (0.22NA). With a narrow linewidth of less than 0.5 nm at full-width half-maximum, the typical wavelength-temperature drift is 0.01nm per Kelvin. Available wavelengths include 808, 940, 976 or 981 nm, with 795 nm available on request.
Dilas, Mainz, Germany
[email protected]

Photodiode arrays

Four-element Quad InGaAs Photodiode Arrays are designed for 40 and 100 Gbit/s optical communications. With four photodiodes monolithically integrated on a common InP substrate, the array consists of 10-, 30-, 40-, or 50-µm-diameter photodiodes with individual RF bandwidths of 10, 15, 20 or 40 GHz.
Discovery Semiconductors, Ewing, NJ

Detector for low-level-light measurement

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The VL-6000 photometric detector has a large-area, low-noise Si photodiode with a precise photometric correction filter and front barrel housing a 50-mm-diameter achromatic corrected lens. In combination with a single- or multichannel optometer, illuminance resolution is less than 1 microlux. Applications include night vision, sleep studies, sky light illumination, and low-light-level photometry.
Gigahertz-Optik, Newburyport, MA

VNIR sensor

The Hyperspec Extended VNIR Sensor is a hyperspectral imaging instrument covering the spectral region from 600 to 1600 nm. Sensor performance has been optimized for process inspection applications such as semiconductor manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals and food safety and quality. The sensor is based on a patented, aberration-corrected concentric design.
Headwall Photonics, Fitchburg, MA
[email protected]

Motorized linear actuator

The LSMA160-300 motorized linear actuator provides travel up to 300 mm. Driven by a brushless servo or stepper motor with a precision ground screw, this stage offers resolution up to 0.1 µm. Features include a load capacity of 10 kg, straightness of 5 µm, a table height of 37 mm, and a weight of 4 kg.
Intellidrives, Philadelphia, PA

1550 nm laser diode

The CVLM57 series is a broad-area 1550 nm laser diode that incorporates three epitaxially grown junctions in a single chip. An InGaAsP/InP-based MOCVD-grown laser structure utilizes a custom facet-passivation process. The multimode laser delivers 25 W of peak pulsed power from a standard 350 × 10 µm emitter. The laser is suited for rangefinder, surveying equipment, and “friend or foe” identification applications.
Laser Diode, Edison, NJ
[email protected]

Laser edge-deletion system

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The SolarX Edge laser edge-deletion system is designed for thin-film solar-panel manufacturing. The system uses high-power, pulsed lasers to remove amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium-telluride (CdTe), copper-indium-diselenide (CIS), or copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) coatings around the perimeter of thin-film solar panels.
Newport, Irvine, CA

Phase scanner

The HDS6100 high-speed phase scanner provides a scan speed of up to 508,000 pts/s and a full field-of-view (360° × 310°) design. It utilizes the company’s High-Definition Surveying (HDS) technology. Features include an operating temperature range of –10°C to +45°C, an internal removable battery with a life of 2.5 hours, and an integrated wireless LAN with a scanner control option.
Leica Geosystems, Norcross, GA

DPSS laser system

The Power PEAK compact laser is an air-cooled, high-pulse-energy, short-pulse, DPSS laser that produces 50 mJ, operating at up to 100 Hz at 1064 nm. The standard system comes with a 19 in., 2 HU rack-mountable power supply and is RS-232 compatible. An optional battery-powered version is also available. Harmonics are also available.
RPMC Lasers, O’Fallon, MO
[email protected]

Vacuum x-ray CCD camera

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The vacuum-compatible x-ray CCD camera is capable of operating completely in a vacuum. With flexible binning and ROI readouts, the camera is suited for applications such as plasma physics, deep UV lithography, x-ray microscopy, and x-ray spectroscopy.
Sydor Instruments, Rochester, NY
[email protected]

Long-wave-pass filters

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Laser fluorescence filter sets are designed for laser-based imaging applications. Part of the BrightLine laser fluorescence filter family, these filters offer wavelengths keyed to important excitation laser lines (for example, 405, 488 and 561 nm), deep blocking at the laser wavelengths to minimize noise. The filters provide transmission of greater than 98%.
Semrock, Rochester, NY

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