Also in the news . . .
An AO¥Medical (Gardena, CA) system to archive digital magnetic-resonance and computer-assisted tomography images via PC and paper rather than film aims to improve diagnostic accuracy and lower image storage and retrieval costs. . . . The Electronic Industries Association of Japan (Tokyo) predicts 30% annual growth out to the year 2000 in the thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal-display global market, quadrupling shipments to 55 million units annually. . . . Opto-Knowledge Systems (Manhattan Beach, CA) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, CA) are teaming to develo¥neural-network training technology for hyperspectral imagery that contains a high data volume dictating large network architectures with many parameters. . . . Partners are sought by the Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, DC) to commercialize a diode-laser-based real-time sensor to detect and classify particles in aircraft-engine and rotating-machinery lubricating oil; for information call (202) 767-3744.