Also in the news . . .
With liquid-crystal-display (LCD) monitors for desktop applications appearing this year, Sharp (Tokyo, Japan) predicts the LCD market will equal that for cathode-ray tubes soon after 2000. . . . US consumption of laser linear-displacement sensors will grow about 10% annually, according to a Venture Development (Natick, MA) study. . . . Machine-vision image-processor supplier Imaging Technology (Bedford, MA) has acquired Intelec (Williston, VT), a producer of intuitive vision systems and software. . . . Davin Optical (Borehamwood, England) has strengthened its machine-vision presence by acquiring specialist sensor company Oxford Sensor Technology (Oxford, England). . . . The monthly active-matrix liquid-crystal-display production capacity of Hosiden (Kobe, Japan) has risen 50% to 120,000 units with the beginning of mass production in January of 11.3- and 12.1-in. thin-film transistor displays in addition to previous 10-in. device production.
Rick DeMeis