The past year has seen considerable advances in and news stories about directed energy systems, especially high-energy military lasers from companies such as Boeing and Rheinmetall, and high power microwave technologies. 2014 will see several photonics conferences that should help bring the applications of these systems to a wider audience, including applications that are non-military.
The 11th Annual Directed Energy Systems will take place in London, from January 28–30. It will concentrate on establishing the current and future direction of lethal and non-lethal directed energy. Additionally DES 2014 will present a pre-conference workshop on countering directed energy weapons.
The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) holds its 16th Annual Directed Energy Symposium in Huntsville, AL, March 10-14. It will provide a forum on technical and programmatic information in fields related to directed energy sources and effects, and the development, testing, and fielding of directed energy weapons and related technologies. The Symposium is attended by a wide range of specialists including researchers, managers, policy makers, and executives from government institutions.
The DEPS will also co-locate its Advanced High Power Laser Conferences with SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing in Baltimore, MD, May 5-9. A statement by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget earlier this year acknowledged the need for such conferences and other travel, noting that for some employees, conferences may the most efficient and cost-effective means for meeting objectives and ensuring advancements.
For a somewhat different take on the subject, and to me a very interesting gathering, consider the HPLA/BEP conference, April 21-25, in Sante Fe, NM. Since 1998, the International High Power Laser Ablation (HPLA) Symposia have provided a unique forum for the physics and applications of high power laser-materials interaction, including advances in relevant high power laser sources and problems of beam propagation and detection. The HPLA series was one of the first scientific conferences to be organized around a broad physical phenomenon (laser ablation and its applications) rather than one narrow technology.
The co-located International Symposia on Beamed Energy Propulsion (BEP) brings together organizations and individuals interested in developing beamed-energy propulsion vehicles, engines, schemes, and concepts into space transportation systems of the future. BEP includes microwave sources as well as lasers as drivers. 2014 is the first time these meetings will be combined.