As I discussed in a previous Editor’s Desk, we have put forth quite a few changes at Laser Focus World this year. The process continues to be an exciting one, with results that have been well worth the work. It has been great to hear the feedback from our audience whether by email, phone, or at live events.
And, we are not done.
What’s happening now? Over the past few months, we have spent a considerable amount of time and energy revisiting our newsletter process with the goal of aligning our newsletter strategy with our evolving brand philosophy.
Historically, Laser Focus World has had a laundry list of very topical newsletters, many with only sporadic deployments. While this served its purpose in a mostly print world, it does not really fit in the digital world—or with our shift to posting new content on the site daily.
Starting September 12th, we will stop sending the multiple topical newsletters in favor of having two daily newsletters, Photonics Daily Insights and The Daily Beam, each delivered five days per week.
While these new newsletters will share content when appropriate, there will be a noticeably different emphasis for each newsletter. The difference will be most notable in lead story. For instance, The Daily Beam will have more of an application focus, including the many industry-specific stories we publish at Laser Focus World. Whereas Photonics Daily Insights will have a component focus. This is where we will spotlight advances in optics, laser innovations, and various research stories.
Why two? Simply put, it’s the best way to ensure what we are delivering meets your needs. We appreciate the opportunity to regularly connect with you, and I never want to take this for granted. As such, we have done our best to divide subscribers based on which topical newsletters they have received. We want these newsletters to serve as a valuable interaction with you.
If you do not already subscribe to any of our newsletters, I encourage you to take a moment to subscribe to whichever newsletter best suits your interests. Our daily newsletters are a great opportunity to get a quick look at what’s live on the Laser Focus World website.
Please know we are not making any of these changes on a whim. In each instance, the goal has been to strengthen our bond with you, our audience, by improving your experience and enhancing our engagement level. If you have any questions or comments, let’s connect. Please feel free to reach out at any time. I always welcome the opportunity to connect.