DECEMBER 5, 2008--According to Mass High Tech, the journal of New England Technology, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a grant to the startup Newton Photonics Inc. (Newton, MA) to create a noninvasive optical sensor capable of continuously monitoring blood glucose levels. The $480,000 Phase 2 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award will fund the company's effort to create the blood-sugar meter using proprietary optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology.
The grant calls for clinical trials within 18 months. Monitoring with a noninvasive device is considered the "holy grail" of disease management for diabetics.
While GlucoLight Corp. (Bethlehem, PA), is developing a similar blood sugar meter, the article says that Newton Photonics' technology enables prolonged monitoring and eliminates the need for frequent calibration. Though the instrument will be deployed first for glycemic controls in hospital intensive care units, eventually diabetic patients at home will likely be able to use it.
More information:
Article in Mass High Tech