Diana Zankowsky

Contributing Editor

Diana Zankowsky was a contributing editor for Laser Focus World.

FIGURE 1. Laser trim system provides high-throughput trimming of precision semiconductor integrated passive components.

Three market leaders reorganize to become successful industry suppliers

Sept. 1, 1998
Successful products in the industrial manufacturing market are different from those that succeed in the scientific and research markets.
FIGURE 1. Thermo-electric and liquid-nitrogen-cooled CCD detectors are incorporated into digital cameras for various applications in spectroscopy, medical imaging, and inspection.
Detectors & Imaging

How to choose a digital imaging camera

Sept. 1, 1997
When selecting a charge-coupled-device-based camera, desired sensitivity and data-acquistion rates, as well as available light, must be considered.
FIGURE 1. Diode lasers emitting 1310 and 1500 nm are being used in telecommunication systems to increase the volume of information that can be carried.
Lasers & Sources

Advances in dense WDM push diode-laser design

Aug. 1, 1997
Diode lasers can ultimately create an increase in capacity on certain trunk lines without having to lay new cable routes.