Daily Photonics Insights - Nov 24th, 2023
Daily Photonics Insights | View online
November 24, 2023
Editor's Choice
On November 14th, NASA’s DSOC experiment, which hitched a ride on the side of the Psyche spacecraft, just beamed down its first laser comms experiment from nearly 10 million miles (16 million kilometers) away—roughly 40x farther than the Moon is from Earth—to the Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in California.
Recent News
Researchers tune an extreme ultraviolet high-harmonic generation (EUV HHG) light probe across the magnetic resonances of each element within a Heusler compound and track its electron spin changes with femtosecond precision.
A unique imaging technique could provide a deeper understanding of human physiological processes such as the female reproductive system.

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Worth a Look
Microscopy enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) will improve life sciences research and development across key therapeutic categories. Promising developments include autonomous microscopy and multiplexed imaging coupled with AI-based algorithms for cell mapping.
Coverage within the 1- to 20-THz spectral region will enable exploration of a new class of physical phenomena: controlling materials’ functionality via light.