The Daily Beam - Nov 21st, 2023
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November 21, 2023
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Coverage within the 1- to 20-THz spectral region will enable exploration of a new class of physical phenomena: controlling materials’ functionality via light.
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In this episode, we cover a solar device that makes dirty water clean, dual-frequency combs that hit record speeds, and how quantum light can 'hear' sounds in molecules.
Research reveals the capabilities high-end systems must have to meet users’ needs within the complex marine environment.

Technological advancements in laser scan head design and controls enable higher throughput and improved part quality for high-volume manufacturing processes. Learn how to obtain micron-scale laser process precision without sacrificing process speed.

Microscopy enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) will improve life sciences research and development across key therapeutic categories. Promising developments include autonomous microscopy and multiplexed imaging coupled with AI-based algorithms for cell mapping.
U.S. House Science Committee introduces National Quantum Initiative Reauthorization Act of 2023 to expand critical research funding.
In Case You Missed It
By combining nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and computational modeling, researchers explore the role of glass intermediate oxides—often a key ingredient of specialized optical glasses.
Quantum physicists prove it’s possible to enhance photon bunching by fine-tuning the polarization of photons—contradicting a rule in quantum photonics.