The €1 billion quantum technologies (QT) flagship was announced by the European Commission last year as part of the future and emerging technologies (FET) program. It aims for a second quantum revolution with Europe at the forefront, bringing transformative innovation to science, economy and society. Building on basic science, collective efforts in engineering, software and education are required to advance the four application domains of quantum technologies: communication, computation, and simulation, as well as sensing and metrology.
Last week, the high-level expert group of the QT Flagship published their final report. Besides a strategic research agenda, the report includes concrete recommendations for the implementation and governance of the flagship. This paves the way for the first call for research and innovation actions, planned to close in the first quarter of 2018.
The report can be found here!
TOPTICA is thrilled to be an integral part of the strong scientific and industrial community with the mission get quantum technologies off the ground.