Provides solutions for nanoscale applications in the worldwide semiconductor, solar, data storage, HB-LED/wireless, and scientific research markets. Metrology products are used to measure at the nanoscale, and process equipment tools.
Thin-film specifications are pushing the envelope beyond the capabilities of conventional manufacturing methods. Dual ion-beam deposition provides coatings that meet these stringent...
In keeping with the downward dip seen at many trade shows this year, Pittcon 2002 (March 17-22; New Orleans, LA) appeared quieter than at any time in the past decade. The event...
The TurboDisc® K475 As/P MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) System is the best-in-class tool for the highest volume production of select compound semiconductor devices...
The TurboDisc® MaxBright™ GaN MOCVD Multi-Reactor System is the industry’s most productive MOCVD system designed to manufacture high quality, high brightness light emitting diodes...