Veeco Instruments Inc

Plainview, NY 11803


About Veeco Instruments Inc



1 Terminal Dr
Plainview, NY 11803
United States

More Info on Veeco Instruments Inc

Provides solutions for nanoscale applications in the worldwide semiconductor, solar, data storage, HB-LED/wireless, and scientific research markets. Metrology products are used to measure at the nanoscale, and process equipment tools.


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Executive Forum

Photonics business roundup: August 2022

Let’s recap all the business announcements in photonics from August 2022.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2018 08 Spector Ibdweb

Edmund Optics adds ion beam sputtering to its optical coating competencies

Optics manufacturer Edmund Optics has ordered the SPECTOR ion beam sputtering system from Veeco Instruments.
FIGURE 1. Dual ion-beam deposition, available in a commercial system, offers advantages for an increasing number of applications requiring ultra-low-loss films.

Dual ion-beam system deposits ­ultra-low-loss mirrors

Thin-film specifications are pushing the envelope beyond the capabilities of conventional manufacturing methods. Dual ion-beam deposition provides coatings that meet these stringent...
A laser element analyzer is used at a phosphate mine for near-real-time ore grading. This onsite application eliminates the time delay involved with sending samples to a central laboratory for analysis as in conventional inductively coupled plasma methods.
Detectors & Imaging

Laser-based instruments abound at Pittcon 2002

In keeping with the downward dip seen at many trade shows this year, Pittcon 2002 (March 17-22; New Orleans, LA) appeared quieter than at any time in the past decade. The event...

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Additional content from Veeco Instruments Inc

(Image credit: Veeco)
FIGURE 1. Optics used for UV laser applications.

Optimize UV optical coatings via ion beam sputtering

How do different process conditions and post-deposition annealing impact optical films hafnium oxide and silicon oxide?
Buyer's Guide

TurboDisc K475 As/P MOCVD System

The TurboDisc® K475 As/P MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) System is the best-in-class tool for the highest volume production of select compound semiconductor devices...
Buyer's Guide

TurboDisc MaxBright GaN MOCVD Multi-Reactor System

The TurboDisc® MaxBright™ GaN MOCVD Multi-Reactor System is the industry’s most productive MOCVD system designed to manufacture high quality, high brightness light emitting diodes...

Veeco to sell metrology business to Bruker Corporation

Plainview, NY--Veeco Instruments has agreed to sell its metrology business to Bruker Corporation for $229 million in cash.